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Discussion 9_Intro to Sociology

Discussion 9_Intro to Sociology

Q Once you have completed the test and received you results, read the article The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men (click here) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Now write a discussion board response about the results of your survey. What was the result? Were you surprised by the outcome? Using your sociological imagination, and the concepts and theories from Chapter 9, explain sociologically why you think you received the outcome that you did.

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After taking the race-test my results were quite surprising for me. I was shown in preference to the white people when I do not have any preference at all. I personally believe that race and all are not justified to judge a human. People are different and as long as they are good we have no right to judge anyone. I have friend who are from black community and they are super talented people, more than a white student. So I have always seen people through their nature and talents and not their race. However, my results show completely opposite and the explanation it gave that in our unconscious mind we do have preferences.